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A photo of Pauline, a tutor from University of Oregon


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My life as a tutor has brought me a lot of joy and perseverance. French is my native language and I grew up in the United States, so from a very young age I was bilingual. It wasn't until I was learning Spanish where I really started to take interest in and love languages. Being able to teach my passion really shines through to the student's learning experience, making education more comprehensive and enjoyable for everyone.

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Pauline’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Oregon - Bachelor in Arts, Spanish


Yoga, art, painting, nature, teaching, learning, cats, Feng Shui, meditation, hiking, nature walks

Tutoring Subjects

Conversational French

Conversational Spanish


French 1



Spanish 1

Spanish 2

Spanish 3

Spanish 4

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