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A photo of Fiona, a tutor from University of California-San Diego


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As a communications leader and project manager with nearly 7 years of experience, I have developed company-wide communications strategies and led countless marketing campaigns.

I am also a writer for Daily Progressive and the Voices of our Nation's Art collective. I have been published in Huffington Post and Daily Progressive. I run my own blog TengTied. As a writer for social justice, my ability to deeply empathize with and engage people of all communities allows me to explore intimately the stories of our collective struggles and reach broad audiences.

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Fiona’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of California-San Diego - Bachelors, Biology, General

Graduate Degree: University of California-Santa Barbara - Masters, Environmental Science


Singing, dancing, writing, building community, art shows, reading, traveling, meditating, percussions

Tutoring Subjects

Adult Literacy


Business Writing


College English


Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

High School English

High School Writing


Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing

Public Speaking



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