Certified Tutor
Undergraduate Degree: Ohio State University - Bachelors, Journalism
Graduate Degree: University of Maryland-College Park - Masters, Library Science
photography, videography, reading, writing, website design and content management, word games, watching movies, exercising
Adult Literacy
African-American History
American Literature
Basic Computer Literacy
College Application Essays
College English
College Level American Literature
Digital Media
Elementary School Reading
Elementary School Writing
Expository Writing
Fiction Writing
High School English
High School Level American Literature
High School Writing
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Office
Middle School Reading
Middle School Reading Comprehension
Middle School Writing
Social Networking
Spelling Bee
Study Skills
Study Skills and Organization
Technical Writing
Technology and Coding
What is your teaching philosophy?
I am always researching strategies and methods to help students connect with the subject matter and work through challenging assignments. I think building a good rapport with students is crucial to effective learning, so I take the time to get to know students and their non-academic interests and try to incorporate their interests and hobbies into tutoring practices, games, and drills. I try to make my tutoring sessions as enjoyable as possible.
What might you do in a typical first session with a student?
I would ask the student about current and upcoming assignments. I would also want to know from the student's perspective how well he/she is doing or not doing in certain classes and what specific issues they are struggling with or feel that they could do better in with some assistance.
How can you help a student become an independent learner?
By cultivating critical thinking about the student's current work product(s), specifically by breaking work, such as writing an essay, into sections and focusing on each section so the student doesn't become overwhelmed with the task. I would also work through exercises with the student to improve areas of academic weakness. I would constantly ask questions while the student worked through assignments, to prompt him/her to identify through his/her own reasoning how he/she arrived at the best answer/response.
How would you help a student stay motivated?
By maintaining a good rapport with the student, I would learn the student's interests and hobbies and would work to incorporate those aspects of the student's life into academic exercises. I also like to use highly engaging online quizzes, games and puzzles that are challenging but entertaining, and allow the student to learn in a creative, fun manner.
If a student has difficulty learning a skill or concept, what would you do?
I would speak to the student to understand the exact nature of the challenge, and then the student and I would talk through the difficulty and discuss his/her thought process while working through the problem. I would also encourage the student to research practice exercises that we could go through initially together, and then the student could work through them later independently to gain mastery over the challenging skill or concept.
How do you help students who are struggling with reading comprehension?
I would learn specifically if the student had problems with understanding specific words and/or word phrases. We would break down the reading passages to just a few sentences or words and go over those passages until the student grasped them before proceeding to the end of a paragraph. Then I would have the student read the entire paragraph aloud and ask how much he/she understood. If vocabulary was a problem, I would create exercises to strengthen word usage and comprehension to improve reading results.