Certified Tutor
Undergraduate Degree: Prairie View A & M University - Bachelors, Business Marketing
State Certified Teacher
Sports, Dancing, Writing
College English
Elementary School Math
Elementary School Reading
High School English
Middle School English
Middle School Science
What is your teaching philosophy?
Although there are many important reasons for wanting to become a teacher, I will elaborate. I have an intimate understanding of the mindsets of much of the youth in our society today. Looking back on my years in grade school, I can now see that not only myself but many other students with great potential simply did not have the vision and understanding of the importance of a balanced education, especially in those areas pertaining to mathematics and science.
What might you do in a typical first session with a student?
For my first session, I would like to get to know my student. Learn about them and tell them about myself. I'd like them to perform a simple pre-assessment to see what it is that they know and what we need to work on.
How can you help a student become an independent learner?
I believe that the correct answer can always be reached if the right questions are asked. Asking a question can open the mind of a student. Having the student explain to me what they have learned is what helps them become independent learners. The power of self teaching is extremely underrated, but this is what builds confidence in learners. When a student finds out that he can learn without having to be in front of a teacher, confidence and strength grow within.
How would you help a student stay motivated?
Motivation comes from within. When a student has some skin in the game, they are easily motivated. What this means is that if students understand what they want to do in life, they will automatically begin to link their studies to their future career. Once a student sets long and short term goals, they will understand that the things they are studying today will give them a step up on what they want to accomplish tomorrow. This creates internal motivation, which is something that is lacking in many youths today.
If a student has difficulty learning a skill or concept, what would you do?
We go back and break everything back down to the basics. Students struggle so often because they do not have a good grasp and understanding of the basics. It is difficult for a student to perform algebraic equations if they do not fully understand how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers. When this occurs, students start giving up and feeling down about themselves and their ability. Going back to the basics, mastering them, and then moving forward is the best way to handle a student having trouble with a certain skill or concept.
How do you help students who are struggling with reading comprehension?
Question and answer is key to many things in life. Reading comprehension is one of them. I want my student to go back over the passage. Read the passage one paragraph at a time. When they are complete with each paragraph, I will ask questions. I will ask, "What is going on? Who is doing what? Based on what has happened so far, what is your prediction of what will happen in the future of the story or passage?"
What strategies have you found to be most successful when you start to work with a student?
Get to know the student. Get a firm foundation and an understanding of what the student wants to do in their life. From there, suggest ways the student can achieve his or her goals. Show how learning core subjects and mastering the basics will help them reach their goals and do spectacular in life. After this is established, we can move to the content. I will require my students to show me what they know so far with an initial assessment.
How would you help a student get excited/engaged with a subject that they are struggling in?
Relate the subject to real life. Mathematics, for example, can be applied to any aspect of life. I will gain an understanding of the student's interests and hobbies. For example, my student loves astronomy and the zodiac signs. I will explain and show how astronomy is mathematically based, and how by gaining an understanding of mathematics, they will be able to understand astronomy much better.
What techniques would you use to be sure that a student understands the material?
I enjoy using assessments. These assessments are done by the student alone, without help. This is the best way to see if the student understands concepts.
How do you build a student's confidence in a subject?
Consistent assessments allow students to measure their growth. As they do better and better on each assessment, their confidence will grow. I will only administer assessments when I believe the student has mastered the topic, not before that time.
How do you evaluate a student's needs?
I allow them to explain to me what it is that they need help in, what they don't understand, and where their struggles are. Students are very honest in a one on one setting and they are much more aware than many people think. Aside from this, I will administer certain assessments to measure their level of understanding and subject knowledge.
How do you adapt your tutoring to the student's needs?
Some students are more visual. These students I like to have watch instructional videos. We go through the video, stopping and explaining certain topics and aspects of the concept, then move forward. Other students do well with lecturing and interaction between them and the tutor. This is my favorite form of tutoring because I enjoy the human interaction. Other students are more hands-on learners. For these students, I enjoy using props and manipulative learning devices for comprehension.
What types of materials do you typically use during a tutoring session?
I use a variety of manipulative devices that I am provided with from the school I teach at. These include things such as algebra tiles, shapes, games, and props.