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A photo of Sherry, a tutor from Austin Peay State University


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I am a current middle school science teacher. Helping others is something that I love to do and always found myself wanting to explain something to someone that I felt needed help.

Prior to becoming a teacher, I was in healthcare administration. I found that as new employees joined my team, I was selected every time to train them. Each employee that I trained later moved on and got promoted.

After several years in the field, I realized that the best part of my job was "teaching" others. I later left and became a teacher.

I love what I do. In my opinion, it takes a special type of person to be able to teach. Teaching involves the ability to adapt, patience, fluency with words, and empathy. Without these skills, it is difficult to be able to tutor and/or teach others and help them reach a level of understanding.

I love be able to watch students reach that "ah-HA" once they have reached clarification and understanding. I look forward to working with you.

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Sherry’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Austin Peay State University - Bachelors, Biology, General

Graduate Degree: Troy University - Masters, Management


Reading, Journalism, Surfing the Web, listening to music, helping others, cosmetology

Tutoring Subjects

Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

I believe that learning involves both parties, not just the student being taught. As the teacher, I learn what helps the student retain and understand information. This involves listening and adapting to their needs. I feel that it is important to never forget that an enriched learning environment involves not only the student, but the teacher as well.

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