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A photo of Melody, a tutor from Stony Brook University


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My name is Melody and I am currently a graduate student at Teachers College, Columbia University studying Clinical Psychology. I have spent the last 6 years studying psychology and sociology. Some of my hobbies are running and doing yoga. I love to play piano, walk my dogs, and eat! I have been to most of western Europe, Mexico, and am planning on traveling some more before I start my doctoral degree.

I have been tutoring students for the past 6 years in both formal and informal settings. I have tutored primarily in social sciences (psychology and sociology), English (writing, editing, and literature), and biology. My tutoring style varies depending on who I am working with - for example, if someone is a learner by doing then I won't have them watch me do a practice example, instead I will give them one and have them talk me through the steps they are going through. Each student is unique and should feel empowered! I like to foster that and have each student feel like they are actually in control of their learning.

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Melody’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Stony Brook University - Bachelors, Psychology

Graduate Degree: Teachers College at Columbia University - Masters, Clinical Psychology

Test Scores

GRE Quantitative: 151

GRE Verbal: 154


Yoga, reading, playing guitar, running, riding bikes, going to the beach

Tutoring Subjects

ACT English

ACT Reading



Anatomy & Physiology

College English

Comparative Literature

Elementary Math

Elementary School Math


Essay Editing

High School English

Homework Support

Life Sciences




Middle School Math





Public Speaking


SAT Prep

SAT Math

SAT Mathematics

SAT Reading


Social Sciences

Special Education


Statistics Graduate Level

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization


Test Prep

Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

Each person has a different way of learning, I work with his or her specific way whether it be visually, verbally, or finding a way to integrate all the information to make a larger picture.

What might you do in a typical first session with a student?

I would ask them what they are struggling with or show me an example of what they are struggling with so I could get a baseline.

How can you help a student become an independent learner?

There are many ways but the best would be to work with them from their baseline and slowly build up to the highest level and complexity. Acting as a model and then slowly removing yourself promotes independence and confidence.

How would you help a student stay motivated?

Apply what they are learning to real life and their hobbies!

If a student has difficulty learning a skill or concept, what would you do?

Master the basics first then apply it to real life. Then move up in difficulty to the skill that they are having problems learning. By going back to the basics they get a great foundation and can then better analyze what they are struggling with.

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