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A photo of Serge, a tutor from University of Virgina


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Hi! I am a Ph.D. student in Chemical Engineering with a GPA of 3.94. I have eight years of tutoring experience in various science and mathematics subjects and I have also been a teaching assistant for several courses including mass transfer, heat transfer, statistics, and kinetics. I really care about each student I tutor and I believe that every student has the ability to succeed if they are dedicated.
I usually only tutor one or two students at a time because then I have enough time to give each student the attention they deserve and I prepare extensively for each tutoring session so they are as productive as possible. My previous students have received A's in difficult engineering courses such as thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and fluid dynamics.

As a Ph.D. student, I am constantly confronted with challenging engineering and science problems which require critical problem solving and I try to help students with develop this same type of intellectual autonomy which is usually neglected in large classrooms. Besides helping students develop to their full potential I also often help students with academic planning to get the most out of their college or high school experience. I have also received numerous scholarships and fellowships and can help you apply for these as well.

Best Regards,
Serge S.

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Serge’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Virgina - Bachelors, Chemical Engineering

Graduate Degree: Drexel University - PHD, Chemical Engineering


Volleyball, Swimming, and other sports.

Tutoring Subjects


AP Physics 2


Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Chemical Engineering




Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

I want students to gain confidence in their own abilities and use the fundamentals they know to tackle new problems strategically. Rather than focusing on solving specific problems, I focus on understanding fundamental concepts that will create a deeper and more fluid knowledge of the material.

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