Certified Tutor
Undergraduate Degree: CUNY Hunter College - Current Undergrad, English
Outside of academics, I enjoy reading about current events and comics as well as watching movies.
10th Grade
10th Grade Writing
11th Grade
11th Grade Reading
11th Grade Writing
12th Grade
12th Grade Reading
12th Grade Writing
1st Grade
1st Grade Math
1st Grade Reading
1st Grade Writing
2nd Grade
2nd Grade Math
2nd Grade Reading
2nd Grade Writing
3rd Grade
3rd Grade Math
3rd Grade Reading
3rd Grade Science
3rd Grade Writing
4th Grade
4th Grade Math
4th Grade Reading
4th Grade Science
4th Grade Writing
5th Grade
5th Grade Math
5th Grade Reading
5th Grade Science
5th Grade Writing
6th Grade
6th Grade Math
6th Grade Reading
6th Grade Science
6th Grade Writing
7th Grade Reading
7th Grade Writing
8th Grade Reading
8th Grade Writing
9th Grade Reading
9th Grade Writing
Adult Literacy
American Literature
British Literature
College English
College Level American History
College Level American Literature
College World History
Comparative Literature
Elementary School
Elementary School Math
Elementary School Reading
Elementary School Science
Elementary School Writing
Expository Writing
High School
High School English
High School Level American History
High School Level American Literature
High School World History
High School Writing
Homework Support
Middle School Reading
Middle School Writing
Social Sciences
Study Skills
Study Skills and Organization
World History
World Literature
What is your teaching philosophy?
My main goal in teaching is to find ways to help my students connect with the material that they are studying. I understand that sometimes subjects may seem irrelevant and may cause young students to ask, "why do I even need to learn this?" However, I think it's extremely important to show students that what they are learning is significant to their world, and perhaps even to their interests, in ways that they may not already realize. I feel that by doing these students become more interested in their work, and more motivated to perform well.
How can you help a student become an independent learner?
For me, the best way to encourage students to become independent learners is to encourage them to seek the benefits in learning. It is important for a young person to realize the incredible power which comes with knowledge and education. Once this is grasped, the motivation to learn more closely follows.
How do you help students who are struggling with reading comprehension?
When students struggle with reading comprehension, we work through reading material together explaining difficult passages along the way. Typically I ask the student questions as he/she reads, and if I notice that he/she is having trouble with a specific area, I may provide my own explanation. However, I realize that it is most important to encourage students to tackle their issues on their own. This not only helps them to learn faster, but it increases their confidence and motivation to continue making an effort.