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A photo of Adam, a tutor from New York University


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Any teacher should always strive to improve instruction and their understanding of the community in which they teach, the school, the classroom, their students, and themselves. After all, teaching is more than something we do; it is a part of who we are. Teaching is not just a job but also a way of life. I have been a teacher my whole life. Even when I was in elementary school, I would teach my brother and cousins addition and multiplication facts. Into high school, I shared my passion for mathematics by presenting and sharing mathematics to other students at the Al Kalfus Long Island Math Fair, and then supervising the Peer Tutoring Program through National Honor Society. In college, although not sure at first of my career path, I decided teaching mathematics was what I was good at and what I enjoyed doing, and something I needed to do. So, I assisted a middle school mathematics teacher in her classroom to start pursuing this career as well as learn more about the classroom structure and teacher techniques. Furthermore, I commuted to New Jersey every week to teach students mathematics at my grandmother’s learning center, started an internship with Chess-in-the-Schools to help them start their College Bound tutoring program, and tutored and graded for the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. However, I was interested in other ways of learning and teaching that were less traditional, and I became a site leader for an Alternative Breaks trip to Nicaragua for Public Health and Education and became a Resident Assistant at Lafayette Residence Hall. However, my interests and hobbies expand into many categories including playing piano and saxophone, doing gymnastics, participating in German culture, Bollywood and country music (I really like all genres though). I can solve a Rubik's cube in three minutes. I also speak Spanish, and I am from Wantagh, Long Island.

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Adam’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: New York University - Bachelor in Arts, Mathematics (Spanish minor)

Graduate Degree: New York University - Master of Arts, Teaching Mathematics

Test Scores

ACT Composite: 32

ACT Math: 36

SAT Math: 800

SAT Writing: 720


Adam likes gymnastics, saxophone, traveling and piano.

Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

The uses of mathematics range from everyday arithmetic to advanced problem solving, making the importance of mathematics education in society indisputable. Knowing the quadratic formula or constructing an angle bisector may seem useless to some, and I agree that this knowledge alone is not what should be considered useful. This is the discrepancy between what mathematics education is and what it should be, which is the focus on procedure and result versus conceptual understanding and connected knowledge. Mathematics is more than a result; it is a process. It is the process of reasoning, strategy, logic, and proof that created mathematics in the first place (and makes it beautiful). We should focus on logic and proof to legitimize and reason why we do certain things to solve a problem. Therefore, teaching mathematics is so much more than teaching algebra, geometry, probability, statistics, and trigonometry. It is teaching a way of thinking. Teaching mathematics is shaping a mind to be able to work out problems in a reasonable, logical way.

What might you do in a typical first session with a student?

I would get to know them personally and mathematically. Studies have shown that culturally-relevant pedagogy that relates to student's lives supports their learning. By getting to know their interests and hobbies, I can build on their prior knowledge grounded in a context. Mathematically, I'd like to give an informal diagnostic to see where the gaps in knowledge are. In a residual theory of knowledge, we can use what a student knows to build more knowledge.

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