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A photo of Monica, a tutor from University of Washington


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I graduated with a B.S. in Earth and Space Sciences from the University of Washington this last summer.

Science has always been my favorite subject in school, and I loved getting to use my hands to conduct experiments. I love discovering how things work, and it makes me appreciate the world that I live in that much more. Last year I volunteered at Nova High School helping out with a biology class as well as tutoring math on occasion. I even got to plan and teach my own lesson on mass extinctions taking what I learned from observing the teacher teach over the last couple months and implementing my own style as well.

My volunteer experience is a continuation of my four years at the Woodland Park Zoo. I taught visitors about the various animals on exhibit and about conservation. I worked there throughout high school, and through it got to learn how fun teaching could be. On a typical day I would talk with hundreds of people of all different ages, backgrounds, and interests. I learned to be flexible in my teaching strategies, shifting focus and tailoring my talk for each group that I got to talk to. I got to make learning fun and exciting. I loved the look on a kid’s face when they learned something new.

Later throughout my undergrad I got several other opportunities in education as an interpreter at the Burke Museum and as a TAA for the ESS Department at the University of Washington. I had lots of fun working with the Burke Museum, and as a TAA and am looking forward to working with more students in the future.

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Monica’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Washington - Bachelor of Science, Earth and Space Sciences


Roller derby, volunteer PAWS, wants to go to vet school, likes to read like to read romance novels

Tutoring Subjects

10th Grade Math

11th Grade Math

12th Grade Math

1st Grade Math

2nd Grade Math

3rd Grade Math

4th Grade Math

5th Grade Math

6th Grade Math

7th Grade Math

8th Grade Math

9th Grade Math


College Biology

Earth Science

Elementary School Math

Environmental Science

High School Biology

High School Chemistry

Life Sciences


Middle School Science

Physical Science


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