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A photo of Cilas, a tutor from James Madison University


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I am an undergraduate at James Madison University. I am currently working on my B.S degree in major of Chemistry, and a concentration in ACS Certified Materials Chemistry, and a minor in math. I was a member of the National Honor Science Society. This society focuses on educating students who need extra help in science courses. I specialized in tutoring chemistry and physics. When tutoring math, many times I like to relate math concepts to practical life situations or science. Every student has a different style of learning. I try to adapt my tutoring skills to maximize a student's ability to learn the material.

Outside of academics I run club track and field for JMU. The 800m and 1000m are my favorite events. I'm also in an all male acapella group, and I enjoy singing and playing music in my spare time.

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Cilas’ Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: James Madison University - Bachelor in Arts, Chemistry


learning chemistry and completing chemistry lab work

Tutoring Subjects

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