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A photo of Christina, a tutor from Bethany College


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I am a 2006 college graduate with a BA in English from Bethany College in Bethany, WV, and a 2012 masters graduate with an MA in Communication Studies from WVU. In 2006, I completed a certificate in publishing from the Denver Publishing Institute, with a heavy focus on editing and proofreading. Since my college years, I have taught developmental English/writing skills for college students, as well as public speaking, interpersonal communication, and study and organizational skills courses. While working at a community college, I conducted many workshops focused on student success, from time management to stress management, from study skills to test taking strategies and more. I have also worked as a legal proofreader and document processor for international law firms.

My primary area for tutoring focuses on student writing, which could be for any subject since the basics of good writing and the components of essays cross departmental boundaries. Whether a student is writing a paper for English in response to a prompt or reading assignment or preparing a research paper for a psychology class, I can assist students in developing and supporting ideas and writing out those ideas in a clearly structured essay. In addition to writing assistance, I can assist students with using Microsoft Office, including Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Outlook, as well as beginner level MS Project.

My tutoring and teaching strategy primarily involves coaching students with questions that will help them develop ideas for writing and problem solve issues in their own writing. My goal is to guide students through the learning processes, making them the advocates of their own learning. When working with students on reviewing drafts of papers, I take an "umbrella" approach, assessing and providing feedback on "big picture" concepts like idea development and cohesiveness in writing and directing students to "small picture" concepts like proper grammar, mechanics, and spelling.

I wish to tutor because I believe that education contributes to the greater good of society. In order to help students advance in their educational and career goals, as well as to help them become thoughtful, informed members of society, tutoring can provide students the guidance and support they need. I value the ability to coach students to promote their own learning and succeed in the academic environment.

Outside of academia and tutoring, I am an avid reader--from science fiction to fantasy to non-fiction to literary fiction. My husband and I are also advocates of good and entertaining television, including Dr. Who, Star Trek, Marvel's Agents of Shield, sitcoms like Modern Family and The Goldbergs, and many more. I am a proponent of gardening and enjoyed the chance to attempt my own vegetable garden for the last two summers. Additionally, I support being a responsible citizen as an informed, registered voter and protector of the environment, using whatever green methods I can (recycling, driving fuel efficient vehicles, and using recycled products). I have also participated in worthy causes like Relay for Life and "Pie in the Face" activities for St. Baldricks. After discovering I had a gluten intolerance, I also became a proponent of healthy, natural eating and living a well-rounded, healthy lifestyle.

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Christina’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Bethany College - Bachelor in Arts, English

Graduate Degree: West Virginia University - Master of Arts, Communications


Reading, Gardening, Dr. Who, various TV shows, Game of Thrones, natural eating/living

Tutoring Subjects

10th Grade Writing

11th Grade Writing

12th Grade Writing

College English

College Essays


COMPASS Writing Skills


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

Expository Writing

High School English

High School Writing


Persuasive Writing

Public Speaking

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization


Test Prep


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