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A photo of Cassondra, a tutor from University of Washington-Seattle Campus


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When I graduated from Whitworth University with a Master in Teaching degree, I knew I was entering one of the most challenging professions: education. Fortunately, I like a challenge. I also knew my background of studies from the University of Washington and previous experiences working with students in the GED program and teaching piano would give me a great foundation for my new career.

My passion for education has propelled me through eight years of middle and high school English/Language Arts classrooms, in rural, suburban, and international settings. I am able to work with beginning readers, students at various levels of English language acquisition (ELL/ESL), and all levels of Language Arts and English at the middle and high school levels.

These extreme differences in instructional levels have provided immeasurable lessons as an educator, but the most important lesson is of commonality: every student can learn. They will learn at a different rate, in a different style, and using a different method, but they can learn. It is my job to figure out how. With my background and expertise, along with the specialization achieved in one-on-one instruction, I know I will be able to help each student achieve his/her goals in all aspects of Reading, Writing, and Public Speaking.

Although education is a big part of my life, I do have passions outside of teaching. One of my favorite interests is culinary arts, whether that is going to a great restaurant or making an incredible dish at home. This passion goes hand-in-hand with my desire to travel and experience new cultures. So far, I have adventured to Spain, China, Brazil, and Mexico, and I hope to get to many more countries. When I'm not traveling, I love being at home in the Pacific Northwest. Here at home, I enjoy hiking, camping, and enjoying the gorgeous wilderness the area has to offer.

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Cassondra’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Washington-Seattle Campus - Bachelor in Arts, Anthropology

Graduate Degree: Whitworth University - Master of Science, Master in Teaching


Culinary Arts, Outdoor Recreation, Travel

Tutoring Subjects

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