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A photo of Kyle, a tutor from Arizona State University


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I received my Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Arizona State University, and not surprisingly, math is the only subject that I like to tutor. In the past I had professional experience working as a tutor at Glendale Community College's Math Solutions building and at ASU as an Instructional Aide for classes of Mathematics for Elementary Education. I've also helped my brothers and friends of those brothers with their math difficulties.

I'm always bothered when I meet someone who claims to be bad at math because there often seems to have been a singular experience early in that person's education which robbed him or her of the necessary confidence to really feel comfortable with the subject. Because math at its core is quite rigorous, losing heart early can lead to a snowball effect where a student will have trouble with a new concept because it is directly based on one on which he or she had previously given up. When I tutor, I go out of my way to try to alleviate any anxiety that my pupil might have by emphasizing how logical and consistent math is supposed to be. There's (almost) always only one right answer, but there are usually multiple ways to get there, so giving options and finding the method that works best for someone is also great.

For fun I like going to movies as well as both computer and board (strategy) games. (I'm actually in the process of designing my own board game.) To show my worldliness, I should also mention that my father was in the military, so I've lived (internationally) in Italy for one year and in Germany three times for a total of roughly nine years, and (domestically) in California, Alabama, Nevada, and Arizona.

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Kyle’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Arizona State University - Bachelor of Science, Mathematics


Gaming: computer & board

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