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Award-Winning SHRM - Society for Human Resource Management Certification Training in Salt Lake City, UT

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If you are preparing to take an SHRM exam, Varsity Tutors can enroll you in Salt Lake City SHRM certification training. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) certifications demonstrate to the global business community that the credential-holder has strong capabilities in both aspects of HR practice – competency and knowledge – that are required for effective job performance. Obtaining an SHRM certification can help you distinguish yourself in a job search, negotiate a higher salary, or pursue a promotion. Enrolling in a Salt Lake City SHRM certification course can help you improve your knowledge and skills so that you feel more confident when you get to the testing center.

You must meet certain educational and professional criteria in order to qualify to sit for an SHRM exam. There are two different exams: SHRM Certified Professional (SHRM-CP) or SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP). The SHRM-CP certification is designed for HR professionals who are engaged primarily in operational roles, and the SHRM-SCP certification is designed for HR professionals at a senior level who operate primarily in a strategic role. You can choose the credential that best suits your needs as long as you meet the education and experience requirements.

Both exams are 4 hours long and contain 160 multiple-choice questions that cover key concepts that all human resource professionals should know. You likely have experienced or learned about a lot of the key concepts of human resources whether in classes at a school like the University of Utah or in your professional career, but there may be several that are not as familiar to you. When you enroll in a Salt Lake City SHRM certification class, you can learn from an experienced instructor who can help you learn all of the concepts and the format of the SHRM exam. You will interact with your instructor as well as other SHRM candidates enrolled in your class via our Live Learning Platform. You will be able to see, hear, and speak with them as if you were in the same room. Your instructor can use role-playing scenarios or focus lectures on concepts ranging from project managing and job offer negotiations to codes of conduct and conflict resolution techniques. You can engage in lively group discussions which can provide you with perspectives from your classmates that you may not have thought of if you prepare on your own. You and your classmates can share stories of experiences you've had and how you handled them which can provide you with different techniques and approaches to situations. Collaborative learning sessions can help you retain important information and can deepen your understanding of a concept.

There are many things in your life that you are responsible for, and we understand that. Varsity Tutors can enroll you in Salt Lake City SHRM certification training online. This means you get to choose where you attend your classes. You may enjoy learning from the comfort of your own couch, or maybe sipping a cup of coffee at your neighborhood coffee shop. Classes are offered at a variety of times and days, so you can pick one that easily fits into your schedule.

Our educational consultants can enroll you in a 2-week or 4-week class and it's easy to get started because new sessions start each month. Obtaining an SHRM certification can influence the rest of your career so it is important that you perform well. Whether you are far along in your SHRM exam prep or if you are just beginning, Varsity Tutors can enroll you in an online Salt Lake City SHRM certification class that can help you try to reach your human resource goals.

SHRM Certifications

  • SHRM Certified Professional (SHRM-CP)
  • SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP)

Contact us today to connect with a top Salt Lake City SHRM - Society for Human Resource Management instructor