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Award-Winning ASCP Board of Certification - American Society for Clinical Pathology Board of Certification Certification Training in Kansas City, MO

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If you are attempting to become certified in the professional field of clinical pathology, Varsity Tutors is here to offer the opportunity to participate in Kansas City ASCP certification training that can potentially boost your skills and confidence with the material as you get closer to exam day. The American Society for Clinical Pathology is the largest professional membership organization for laboratory professionals and pathologists in the entire world. Certification through this organization demonstrates that you have the ability to perform essential tasks in a medical laboratory. There are a number of benefits that you can gain from passing your certification examination, from opening you up to a wider range of job prospects to providing you with leverage that you can use to negotiate a higher salary. There are more than 20 different options of ASCP certifications, and a great way to prepare for the one you are intending to take is by signing up for one of our test prep courses.

The four highest-volume exam certifications are those used in order to become a Phlebotomy Technician, Medical Laboratory Scientist, Medical Laboratory Technician, or Histotechnician. These exams, as well as all others administered by the ASCP, are computer-adaptive, meaning that the next question you see is based on how well you have performed on the exam up until that point. Many of the exams take around two and a half hours to complete and consist of roughly 100 questions. In most cases, before qualifying to take an exam and pursue your certification, you are required to have earned a bachelor's degree in the field and have worked for at least six months in a medical laboratory. This is not true for all exams, as they each have their own routes you can follow, combining education and professional experience, in order to qualify.

You have certainly had the opportunity to develop many of the necessary skills through your professional experience and the time you spent at school somewhere like Park University or the University of Missouri - Kansas City. However, there may be material on your certification examination that isn't fresh in your mind or that you've never had to deal with on a regular basis. The instructor of your Kansas City ASCP certification course can lead you and your classmates through activities and discussions that cover all of the material that is commonly present on your exam. They can also help you prepare for the specific format and sets of rules that you will need to be ready for on exam day. When you work with a group of others toward a common goal it can help you see the material from different perspectives which may help it click with you in a new way.

Another aspect of taking part in a Kansas City ASCP certification class is the flexibility that it can provide. Classes meet entirely online so you can access your learning environment from anywhere that you have an internet connection. You can choose between signing up for a two-week or four-week class, and because multiple sections run concurrently, you should be able to find one that can fit well into your existing schedule.

Regardless of your specific skill levels and which certification you are attempting to earn, Kansas City ASCP certification training can be a helpful tool as you reach for your professional goals. If these services sound like they could be useful to you as your exam day approaches, please reach out to Varsity Tutors today for more information. You can contact one of our educational consultants by phone or online to get signed up for a preparatory course or get answers to any further questions you have regarding our exam prep assistance.

ASCP Certifications

  • Phlebotomy Technician (PBT)
  • Donor Phlebotomy Technician (DPT)
  • Histotechnician (HT)
  • Medical Laboratory Assistant (MLA)
  • Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT)
  • Medical Laboratory Scientist (MLS)
  • Cytotechnologist (CT)
  • Histotechnologist (HTL)
  • Technologist in Blood Banking (BB)
  • Technologist in Chemistry (C)
  • Technologist in Cytogenetics (CG)
  • Technologist in Hematology (H)
  • Technologist in Microbiology (M)
  • Technologist in Molecular Biology (MB)
  • Specialist in Blood Banking (SBB)
  • Specialist in Chemistry (SC)
  • Specialist in Cytotechnology (SCT)
  • Specialist in Cytometry (SCYM)
  • Specialist in Hematology (SH)
  • Specialist in Microbiology (SM)
  • Specialist in Molecular Biology (SMB)
  • Pathologists' Assistant (PA)
  • Diplomate in Laboratory Management (DLM)

Contact us today to connect with a top Kansas City ASCP Board of Certification - American Society for Clinical Pathology Board of Certification instructor