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Award-Winning TEFL - Teaching English as a Foreign Language Certification Training in Dayton, OH

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If you have decided to earn your Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) certification, Varsity Tutors can provide you with extra aid by enrolling you in a Dayton TEFL certification course. Having your certification can present you with different opportunities for teaching the English language all across the globe.

Having your GED or High School Diploma, being fluent in English, and being able to complete a university-level course that involves student teaching/observation (practicum), lesson plans, quizzes, papers, homework, and extensive reading is something that most TEFL certification programs will require. Fulfilling the practicum requirements and passing the program are requirements for earning your certification.

Some of the internationally recognized standards for professional-level TEFL certification require that you meet specific criteria which can involve having at least 100 hours of coursework, having been through an accredited curriculum, and having at least 6 to 20 hours of practicum (which is live practice teaching and observation with actual non-native English speakers).

Though you may already be participating in a program offered through an organization that is either online, in person, or involved in a program offered through the University of Dayton or Wright State University, you can still find advantages to partaking in a Dayton TEFL course. One of the benefits that you will find with a Dayton TEFL course is that your instructor is someone that can help you better learn to manage your time. This can be very important because with a TEFL program you will have to make sure you are completing all of your coursework, that you are following through on your assignments, and that you are meeting all of your deadlines.

Interactivity is an important advantage to a Dayton TEFL course. Your instructor is someone that is well-versed in the field and ready to provide you with lessons that are designed to be engaging and comprehensive. Your instructor can promote learning in certain subjects through lectures, such as understanding how to properly manage your classroom and student behavior so you can create a welcoming and safe learning environment. They can also involve you in different learning activities that can stimulate visual learners as well as those who learn best audibly.

You won't just be interacting with your instructor, though. Dayton TEFL courses provide you with the chance to study alongside other students who may share similar goals for passing TEFL programs and earning certifications. Discussing different topics with these classmates can prove very beneficial, because everyone has their own perspectives on subjects like identifying learning styles and adapting lessons to best suit students and their needs, and those with proficiency can offer their expertise to those who are struggling with it.

You are also able to request some one-on-one time with your instructor if you aren't fully grasping one of the concepts. Having this individualized time can help you better comprehend the material.

With Dayton TEFL certification training, you'll have the convenience of being able to study virtually, since all lessons happen online. This means you'll have the benefits of classroom tutelage without having to worry about a lengthy commute. With new sections beginning every month, you can easily get started with a Dayton TEFL certification class. Since there are different days and times offered for the sections, you can choose a class that will best work around your current obligations and responsibilities.

Having your certification can provide many benefits. If you think that Dayton TEFL certification training is right for you, get in touch with an educational consultant at Varsity Tutors today. They can assist you online or over the phone and help you to register.

Contact us today to connect with a top Dayton TEFL - Teaching English as a Foreign Language instructor