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If you are interested in advancing your career in the IT industry or find full-time work as a network or system administrator, Varsity Tutors can enroll you in an Atlanta CCNP certification training course that can help you work towards your professional goals. The CCNP or Cisco Certified Network Professional certification is intended for those who work as a full-time network or system administrator as well as those who regularly work with LAN or WAN infrastructure. The CCNP is the professional level of the Cisco Certification program, and those who have earned such a certification are recognized as having an advanced networking knowledge base and skill set. Earning any of the seven CCNP certifications can be challenging and requires a lot of work, but it can help you land a better job with a higher salary and show that you can take on added responsibilities that can help grow your career. Since working towards a CCNP certification does take a lot of work, enrolling in an Atlanta CCNP certification class to prepare for your exam is definitely in your best interests.

There are several advantages of enrolling in an Atlanta CCNP certification course. For starters, it can give you the chance to study with a qualified and experienced instructor who is familiar with the various CCNP certifications offered by Cisco. These instructors can lead you and the other students in lectures and learning activities that cover the material that you will need to know for your certification exam. They can also give you some insight into the certification exams themselves so you can have a better idea of what to expect when it comes time to take the exam. Of course, they can also provide you with some individual assistance should you ever feel like you need it.

Collaborating and communicating with your fellow students during your Atlanta CCNP certification course can also be very helpful. These students are all preparing for their own certification exams, and some of them might have experience with certain subjects that you might not have encountered very often on the job. They can provide you with the same kind of insight that you might receive from your instructor, just as you can help them should they run into scenarios and topics that are more familiar to you. This kind of collaborative learning has been shown to help students of all ages and skill levels, so you would be wise to take advantage of it whenever you can.

Another great reason to enroll in an Atlanta CCNP certification class is that it is far more convenient than classes that you might take on a college campus or elsewhere. There are two-week and four-week classes available, and new sections open up every month. No matter what kind of schedule you have, you are almost certain to find a class that can work for you. We know how difficult it is to prepare for any kind of professional certification while you are working full-time or taking college classes, and we want to do everything we can to make enrolling in Atlanta CCNP certification training as easy as possible. The fact that these classes are online also adds to their convenience. As long as you have a good wi-fi connection and a reliable computer, you can participate in a class from your own home, the Southeast Atlanta Library, or wherever you prefer to study.

Although enrolling in an Atlanta CCNP certification course is a great way to prepare for a CCNP certification program, you should also know what becoming a Cisco Certified Network Professional entails. There are a total of seven different CCNP certifications: Cloud, Collaboration, Data Center, Routing and Switching, Security, Service Provider, and Wireless. All of these certifications require you to have completed any CCIE certification or the corresponding CCNA certification. For example, a CCNA Cloud certification would count as a prerequisite for the CCNP Cloud certification.

Each of the seven CCNP certifications requires you to pass the appropriate exams. The number of exams that you need to take will depend on the certification, but you can count on having to take at least three. For example, the CCNP Routing and Switching certification will require you to take the 300-101 ROUTE, the 300-115 SWITCH, and the 300-135 TSHOOT exams. If you are a candidate for the CCNP Data Center certification, you will have to take the 300-175 DCUCI, the 300-165 DCII, and the 300-160 DVAI exams. For the fourth exam, you can choose to take either the 300-DCID or the 300-180 DCIT exam. If you have any questions about the exams or if you aren't sure which exams you need to take for your certification, don't hesitate to ask your instructor for advice. They can make sure that you are taking the proper exams for your level of certification.

One of the biggest challenges that you might face while preparing for your certification is making sure that you've studied all the appropriate material for your exam. By now, you certainly have at least some experience working as a network or systems administrator, but there will almost certainly be some material that you haven't encountered regularly that will be on one of your exams. If you are going for the CCNP Cloud certification, you might be comfortable implementing the network infrastructure, but you might struggle when you have to design the Cloud security policies. An Atlanta CCNP certification training course can cover all of this material and give you the chance to ask your instructor or your fellow students about designing Cloud security policies if you still think you need some extra help.

An Atlanta CCNP certification training course can also help you feel more comfortable with taking the certification exams. It's entirely possible to know all of the material inside and out and still struggle when it comes time to take the exam simply because of your anxiety. Your instructor can give you some strategies to cope with this kind of anxiety while giving you a good idea of what to expect from the format of the exam itself.

Finally, enrolling in an Atlanta CCNP certification course can help improve your understanding of working as a network or system administrator as you prepare for your exams. Even if you already have several months or even a few years of experience in the IT industry, there are always new things you can learn from others and older material that you can review. In other words, you can always benefit from one of these courses, even if you are already practically an expert.

No matter what kind of CCNP certification you wish to obtain, Varsity Tutors can enroll you in the Atlanta CCNP certification training that will best suit your needs and your career goals. Not only can this training give you the chance to review what you will need to know for your exams, but they are convenient enough for practically anybody no matter what their schedules may look like. For more information about the CCNP certification courses or to find out how you can enroll in a course yourself, contact Varsity Tutors today. Our helpful staff will be glad to answer any questions that you might have.

CCNP Certifications

  • CCNP Cloud
  • CCNP Collaboration
  • CCNP Data Center
  • CCNP Routing and Switching
  • CCNP Security
  • CCNP Service Provider
  • CCNP Wireless

Contact us today to connect with a top Atlanta CCNP - Cisco Certified Network Professional instructor