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A photo of DeQuinn, a tutor from University of Michigan-Flint


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I am a graduate of The University of Michigan in Flint. I received my Bachelor of Science in Earth Science with a minor in Physics. During my last semester of college, I student taught Earth Science and Physical Science. I tutored students in Physical Geography. As a tutor, I like to use analogies, simulations, and real-world examples to help students understand things that are challenging to conceptualize. I enjoy seeing students have their aha moments during the learning process. Then see them have the ability of explaining to me what they learned. My desire is to always create an environment that is relaxing and accepting. I am aware that it is tough to learn in a tense setting. When I am in my element, you will often see me listening to smooth jazz or lo-fi beats while I am studying or working.

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DeQuinn’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Michigan-Flint - Bachelor of Science, Earth Science Teacher Education


My interests and hobbies are serving at church, hiking, biking, running, traveling, watching college football, and watching sci-fi shows or movies. My favorite sci-fi movie is Interstellar.

Tutoring Subjects


College Physics

Earth Science

High School Physics

High School Science


Physical Science




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