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A photo of Andrew, a tutor from Concordia University-Ann Arbor


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Hello, my name is Andrew Gibson, PhD(c) ACSM EP-C.
I want you to know that the greatest thing about me is you. I am so grateful you are taking this step for yourself. I am here to help guide you and be a partner in your journey through wellness. Wellness is about life, how you feel, how you think about yourself, and how you want you to be. My goal is to help you achieve whatever it is you are after.

My qualifications are that I possess a Masters Degree in Exercise Science with an undergraduate degree in Sports Medicine. I am certified through the American College Sports Medicine for Exercise Physiologist, which is the gold standard for the field. I am currently undergoing my PhD in Kinesiology and expect to complete it in 2025. My dissertation focus is on fatigue in the elderly. I am also a Marine Corps Combat Veteran. I have trained many fellow veterans as clients.

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Andrew’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Graduate Degree: Concordia University-Ann Arbor - Master of Science, Kinesiotherapy


Avid Movement enthusiast but I am also a bit of a nerd as well!

Tutoring Subjects

ACSM - American College of Sports Medicine

Agricultural Science




Elementary School Science


Firefighter Exam

Heat Transfer

High School Science


Human Development


Middle School Science

Molecular Genetics




Physical Science

Police Officer Exam

Professional Certifications



Science Olympiad


STEAM Innovation



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