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A photo of Courtney, a tutor from Canisius College


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I'm Courtney, a New York State certified Spanish teacher with 11+ years of experience in the classroom and tutoring. I hold degrees in Spanish, Adolescent Education, and Inclusive Education. My education also includes study abroad at la Universidad de Oviedo in Oviedo, Spain. I am certified to teach both Spanish and Special Education for grades 7-12.

My tutoring experience began when I was living in Spain. I tutored students ages 5-17 who were learning English as their second language. I became skilled in working with individuals and small groups, tailoring my instruction to their age and individual needs.

As a Spanish teacher, I have taught students who are true beginners in 7th and 8th grades, all the way up to high school seniors who are earning high school credit in dual enrollment courses. I have had a great deal of success in preparing students to achieve on the Checkpoint A and B exams required by New York State, as well as on college placement tests.

When I teach and tutor, I remember what it was like to learn a new language as a teenager. I use a comprehensible input-based approach, meaning that I focus on giving my students written and spoken Spanish at a level that is challenging, but not too challenging for them. From there, I build their confidence in writing and speaking through personalized questioning and stories and discussions based on their interests and senses of humor.

In an individual or small group class, I focus on individual student needs, from vocabulary and verb study skills, memory tools, and test-taking strategies. I thoroughly enjoy helping students reach their goals with Spanish, whatever they may be.

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Courtney’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Canisius College - Bachelor of Education, Education

Graduate Degree: Nazareth College - Masters in Education, Education

State Certified Teacher


Travel, hiking, camping, cooking new recipes, reading, and knitting.

Tutoring Subjects


Adult Literacy

AP Spanish Language & Culture


CLEP Spanish

College and University Admissions

Conversational Spanish

EAS - Educating All Students (NY Teaching exam)



High School French


Learning Differences

NYSTCE - New York State Teacher Certification Examinations



PRAXIS Spanish

Professional Certifications

SAT Subject Test in Spanish with Listening

SAT Subject Tests Prep


Spanish 1

Spanish 2

Spanish 3

Spanish 4

Special Education

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Test Prep

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