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A photo of Kendra, a tutor from Allied American University


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Executive leader and attorney with expertise in policy analysis, strategy development and execution, legislative and administrative advocacy, persuasive communications and team building and leadership.

Prior experience includes associate at top-tier law firms working on regulatory strategy and counsel, oversight and enforcement, and M&A support for consumer product, medical device, life sciences and biopharmaceutical companies. Served as witness in state legislatures and the US Congress, and frequent public speaker on relevant drug industry topics.

Appointed by City Council, Alexandria, VA to serve on Commission for Women, advising elected officials on issues of importance to women and girls in the city. Served as Chair for two years, leading the public release of the Commisson's November 2018 Status of Women Report.

Additional volunteer experience includes service on Board of Directors of Suited for Change and Healthcare Business Women's Association of Mid-Atlantic and pro bono representation of clients in medical debt and eviction proceedings.

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Kendra’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Graduate Degree: Allied American University - Juris Doctor, Law Enforcement Administration


RYT-200 Yoga Teacher

Tutoring Subjects

Administrative Law



Business Writing

College Application Essays

College Business


Essay Editing

Health Care Policy

Human Resources


Legal Research

Legal Writing




Presentation Skills

Public Health

Public Speaking



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