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A photo of Deklan, a tutor from animation mentor


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I am a graduate of the worlds first online animation college, Animation Mentor, where I studied under amazing animators like Boola Robello (animation supervisor on the ps5 Spiderman games) and Ethan Hurd (Animator at Pixar, all the way back in Toy Story!). I love helping people develop their creative and communication skills, and as a student myself I know what its like to want to understand a subject and value a teacher or tutor that wants me to succeed, so thats what I try to do for anyone I can!

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Deklan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: animation mentor - Bachelor in Arts, Animation and Special Effects

Undergraduate Degree: Seminole State College - Associate in Arts, English


My interests include consuming art in its many forms, be that music (where I'm everything from an avid Swiftie to a dedicated Fallout boy) art and animation (Disney animation is my bias, from The Owl House to Encanto) and reading and writing (I'm a big fan of gothic literature, I'm fairly certain Im a reincarnation of either Austin or one of the Brontës, and for modern authors I have a special place for anything by Leigh Bardugo and Neal Shusterman).

Tutoring Subjects


AP Studio Art: 2-D Design

AP Studio Art: 3-D Design

AP Studio Art: Drawing


Computer Animation

Creative Writing




Spanish 2

Spanish 3

Spanish 4

Visual Arts


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