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A photo of Michelle, a tutor from CUNY Hunter College


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I hold a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature and Economics from Hunter College, CUNY. Following my graduation, I embarked on a journey in education by providing tutoring services to middle school students, focusing primarily on Mathematics. While I offer tutoring support across a wide spectrum of subjects, my greatest enthusiasm lies in the domains of English and Math.

My experience in helping students overcome mathematical challenges has reinforced my belief that a solid foundation in this subject paves the way for their future success, both within and beyond the classroom. I am a staunch advocate for the power of education, as I firmly believe it unlocks the doors to a brighter future for students and their families.

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Michelle’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: CUNY Hunter College - Bachelor of Science, Economics


Outside of my educational pursuits, I enjoy reading, cooking, and cherishing quality moments with my family.

Tutoring Subjects


Elementary School English

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


English Language Arts Substitute

GED Prep

GED Math


Math Substitute

Middle School English

Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension




Test Prep


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