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A photo of Benjamin, a tutor from University of South Florida


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From the minute I was able to talk, I have always been eager to ask questions about the past. My grandfather spent hours every week teaching me about history, and I have learned from him a love for the topic. Through his love for history, I have also developed a passion for teaching history to the next generation. I approach tutoring with excitement and energy, because I truly love what I do and care about what I teach. My main teaching philosophy is that students learn best through positive reinforcement, consistent review, and utilizing many different strategies and techniques to help students gain content mastery. I am a proponent of Gardners Theory of Multiple Intelligences, which says that different students process data in different ways. I personalize my approach to students based on how I believe they will best achieve content mastery. I graduated with my Bachelors degree in Secondary Education at the University of South Florida and I am currently working on my Masters Degree, with an anticipated graduation date of August, 2024. My favorite subjects to tutor are Civics, U.S. Government, and early World History. Outside of teaching, I love baseball, hiking, Yoga, and spending time with my family!

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Benjamin’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Degree: University of South Florida - Master's/Graduate, Secondary Education

State Certified Teacher


I love learning new things, cooking, hiking, playing baseball, going to new places, and spending time with my family!

Tutoring Subjects

African-American History

British History


College Level American History

Elementary Social Studies


Florida EOC Assessment Prep


High School Government

High School World History


Latin America History


Middle School English

Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Science

Middle School Social Studies

Middle School Writing



Social Studies

Test Prep

US Constitutional History


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