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A photo of Wakana, a tutor from University of Utah


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Learn from a native Japanese speaker!
I am a native Japanese who lived and grew up in Japan. I have been teaching Japanese for over 6 years.
I graduated from University of Utah in international studies. I have tutored from kids to college students.
As a person who learned a second language, I can relate to many difficulties you face. I am happy to help you in Japanese learning journey.
I teach beginners to advanced levels. I also love teaching kids. I provide individually tailored lessons based on your interests, necessity and goals. You are welcome to bring in your own materials or I can provide one. We can review school assignments, have conversational practice, or any other work you might have. I will modify lessons based on your knowledge and specific goals you would like to achieve.
I like to not only teach the language, but also teach the Japanese culture, and expressions that will be helpful in communicating.
Hope to meet you soon!

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Wakana’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Utah - Bachelor in Arts, International Relations


I like playing piano, traveling, and cooking.

Tutoring Subjects

Introduction to Japanese



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