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A photo of Jasmine, a tutor from Oregon State University


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I am passionate in teaching and mentoring students because growing up I've always helped younger students than me and peers and family members who was younger than me in school and it grew on me and I always seek to help those around me and I think being able to tutor students will be great for me due to the experiences that I have. I am an early graduate in high school so I graduated in 2022 and working towards my bachelor in Computer Science at Oregon State University. Subjects I am open to tutoring and some of my favorite subjects to tutor are math and reading/writing. These are some of my personal favorites because I've always went above and beyond for myself in math when I was in middle school and high school and I find it fun working through equations and finding alternatives for myself and for those around me who needs help with math and to understand it better. Outside of school I love playing video games and consider it a hobby but I aside from gaming I love to draw and paint and am a big nerd for building lego structures.

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Jasmine’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Oregon State University - Bachelor in Arts, Agriculture, General


- Video games - Drawing/Crafting - Painting - Building legos - Coding/computer designs - Video/picture editing for friends in the gaming streaming communities

Tutoring Subjects


Elementary School

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading


Essay Editing


Middle School

Middle School English

Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension




Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization


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