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A photo of Ann, a tutor from Rutgers University-Newark


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I knew I wanted to be a teacher since I was in 5th grade. I graduated Rutgers University with a B.A. in History and Education (double major) and then earned an M.A. in Social Studies Education from the state institution. I also have 30 credits in middle school literacy and ELA.
I have been a classroom teacher for 24 years and have taught from 2nd grade through college. I currently teach high school social studies. I have experience in World and US History (I and II), APUSH, Sociology and Law and Society.
I love showing students how interesting (and fun!) history, reading and writing can be. I truly believe every student has great potential in something and its a teacher's job to help draw that out.
When you tutor with me, you will discover your strengths, work on developing your areas of growth and learn to love learning!

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Ann’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Rutgers University-Newark - Bachelor in Arts, History Teacher Education

Graduate Degree: Rutgers University-Newark - Master of Arts, Social Studies Teacher Education


The beach is my happy place so I spend a lot of time swimming in the ocean or just sitting and watching the waves. My family and I also love to canoe, kayak and snorkel. Can you tell we love the water! I also read a lot, usually a book a week, play the Nintendo game Animal Crossing with my daughter's and watch Anime.

Tutoring Subjects

Creative Writing


Essay Editing

Expository Writing

Fiction Writing

High School World History

High School Writing


Middle School

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Social Studies

Middle School Writing



Social Sciences

Social Studies



US Constitutional History


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