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A photo of Makenna, a tutor from Auburn University


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Hey! I want to use this space to tell you a little bit about myself and to share why I would love to be your tutor. I graduated from Auburn University with a B.S. in Social Science Education, and I obtained a credential to teach Social Science in the state of AL. I worked for Auburn University as a tutor for 3 years, and I have loved helping students succeed in their classes. As a Varsity Tutor, I want to help you succeed too! I believe in student centered learning, and I will cater sessions to your unique strengths and needs. I am ready to help you, whether you are struggling with study skills or understanding content. If you feel like I am the right fit, I look forward to working with you!

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Makenna’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Auburn University - Bachelor of Science, Social Sciences


I have a wide variety of interests. I obviously love history, and that means I love reading and learning about the past. I also love learning, and I spend a lot of time researching a wide variety of topics. But, I also love being active. I grew up playing soccer and running in track meets. Now, I make sure to go to every game Auburn I can, no matter what the sport is. Above all, I love being in social environments. I spend a lot of time with my friends or meeting new people. I look forward to meeting you!

Tutoring Subjects


College Economics

College Level American History

College Political Science

College World History


Elementary School Science


High School Economics

High School Level American History

High School Political Science

High School World History


Middle School

Middle School Science

Middle School Social Studies

Political Science

PRAXIS Social Studies

Public Speaking


Social Sciences

Social Studies



Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

US Constitutional History

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