Certified Tutor
Undergraduate Degree: Auburn University - Bachelor of Science, Social Sciences
I have a wide variety of interests. I obviously love history, and that means I love reading and learning about the past. I also love learning, and I spend a lot of time researching a wide variety of topics. But, I also love being active. I grew up playing soccer and running in track meets. Now, I make sure to go to every game Auburn I can, no matter what the sport is. Above all, I love being in social environments. I spend a lot of time with my friends or meeting new people. I look forward to meeting you!
College Economics
College Level American History
College Political Science
College World History
Elementary School Science
High School Economics
High School Level American History
High School Political Science
High School World History
Middle School Science
Middle School Social Studies
Political Science
PRAXIS Social Studies
Social Sciences
Study Skills
Study Skills and Organization
US Constitutional History