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A photo of Cassie, a tutor from Alice Lloyd College


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Back in high school I started a tutoring group to help my basketball teammates with math problems, it was then I realized I was destined to be a teacher.

Math has always been my favorite subject, although I feel like I'm different than most "math lovers". Solving math problems didn't always come me easy to me, I had to work hard and study hard to get good grades. I believe it is this very thing that makes me a great math teacher. I can relate to the students and their struggles, all while keeping them motivated to work hard and be successful. I believe if I can do it my students can too!!

With all of that being said, I have been passionately teaching math for the past 15 years at the middle school and early high school level. I would love to branch out of just my community and find other to help, so what better way to do that than through Varsity Tutors.

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Cassie’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Alice Lloyd College - Bachelor in Arts, Education

Graduate Degree: Union College - Master of Arts, Organizational Leadership


*Spending a lot of time with family *Being outdoors *Hiking *Fishing *Hunting *Boating *Watching my daughter play softball and my son wrestle

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