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A photo of Mayra, a tutor from University of Miami


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I am a graduate of the University of Miami. I received a Master of Science in Industrial Electronics and Computers and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. I teach SAT Exam prep as well as middle school through high school mathematics. I personally love math because of its order, beauty and consistency. I practice "inclusive active learning" methods, adapting the lesson to the individual student and giving the student time to think and reflect during the lesson. I am passionate about helping students thrive because I love changing lives for the better. I began taking ballet as an adult and take daily ballet, latin and flamenco dance lessons. Since I am a dance student striving to learn every day, I am in touch with students' learning struggles and teach with deep respect and empathy.

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Mayra’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Miami - Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering


Ballet, Latin Cardio and flamenco dancing, nutrition, music, culture, theology, philosophy, prayer.

Tutoring Subjects

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