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Certified Tutor
reading, traveling, and playing soccer
Tutoring Subjects
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
Certified Tutor
Professional and highly trained teacher with ten years experience. I got my M.D degree from Medical College in Egypt and I am doing my graduate studies in Biomedical Engineering in the USA. I am very passionate about teaching because I have ADHD and know how students with special needs struggle. I find the situation satisfying and beneficial for me and my students to help each other. Student discussions are important for me to enrich my knowledge. I am a great listener and have the ability to understand a student's needs. I love creating lesson plans. Creating a safe, friendly and productive environment for my students to learn is a top priority. I have worked as a teacher assistant for several years across a range of subjects in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology, with my experience and skills I feel I will be of great use to your team.
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reading, traveling, and playing soccer
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
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