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A photo of Noah, a tutor from Bradley University


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I earned my Bachelor of Science from Bradley University in Peoria IL. I graduated with a degree in Statistics to become a Data Analyst. Math has always been a part of my life but not just in an academic way. I am a strong believer in the idea that numbers rule the world from finance to construction to medicine. All my closest connections from faculty and staff since middle school have been with math teachers and professors. I was the only math major in my friend group so all of my friends would come to me and ask me to help them with homework. I always found joy in helping a peer understand the work they are doing and not just giving them the answers. When I am not working I love exploring cool and exciting fields of mathematics like analysis, number theory, and chaos theory. Besides math, I love video games and messing around with my computer. When it is not freezing cold, I love to go play golf with my friends and enjoy the weather.

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Noah’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Bradley University - Bachelor of Science, Statistics


MATH! Videogames Building Computers Golf

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