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A photo of Pamela, a tutor from Mundelien College


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In June of 1990, I graduated from Mundelein College, a private school in Chicago where I received a B.A in Psychology. Chicago is where I grew up as a coda, a hearing child with deaf parents. It wasn't until adulthood that I develop a strong interest and passion for American Sign language. Since graduation I have worked with very young children, teaching and guiding them through their developmental milestones one child at a time. I owned a daycare/Pre-school for many years. Teaching them through storytelling, songs, cooking, dancing, and sign language.

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Pamela’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Mundelien College - Bachelor of Science, Psychology


My interests are American Sign-Language, Drawing, and learning about natural medicine.

Tutoring Subjects

American Sign Language

Elementary School

Elementary School English

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing









Social Sciences

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization


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