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I have taught math and computer science at the high school level for 35 years and in my retirement, I am on the Executive Team for the American Computer Science League. I am also subbing in both fields at 8 different Districts in the Pittsburgh area and tutor students on the side. I feel strongly that a good, solid background in math and/or computer science will make all of the difference in a student's future endeavors and want to share my expertise in making that possible. I am adaptable to all levels of ability and customize my approach to the needs of the student easily. I received a B.S. from Bucknell University and an M.S. in computer science from Villanova University. My favorite content is Algebra 2 because it is so integral to all of the rest of mathematics and my favorite programming languages are Python and Java. I look forward to helping any student who has a desire to succeed.

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Carlen’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Bucknell University - Bachelor of Science, Mathematics

Graduate Degree: Villanova University - Master of Science, Computer Science


Swimming Camping Travel Group Games Computer Science Church activities Keeping in touch with friends

Tutoring Subjects

AP Computer Science A


College Math

Computer Programming

Computer Science

Discrete Math

Finite Mathematics

High School Computer Science

IB Computer Science




Programming Languages

Programming Tools


Technology and Coding

Visual Basic

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