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A photo of Houston, a tutor from Indiana University-Southeast


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My professional mission is to cultivate a successful new generation of students who will utilize their educated capabilities to better their communities, countries, and world. I aim to not only educate students but engage them as well. I hope to serve the position as a role-model for my students, hoping to fulfill the role where some students may find theirs vacant.

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Houston’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Indiana University-Southeast - Bachelor of Science, Education


When I'm not busy teaching, my favorite ways to spend my days are hiking, cooking, and reading. I absolutely LOVE the outdoors almost as much as I love Indian food! I also love reading about all things non-fiction, be it reference books or a historical biography!

Tutoring Subjects


Essay Editing


High School Government

High School World History



Presentation Skills

Public Speaking

Social Studies


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