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A photo of Alison, a tutor from Georgia Southwestern State University


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I received a Bachelor's degree in History with teaching certification from Georgia Southwestern State University. I have a Master's in History from Queen's University Belfast. I have taught World History, U.S. History, Geography, and American Government in Georgia. I am passionate about teaching kids to understand the importance of history and hopefully enjoy parts of the subject. I tutor World History and U.S. History both at a high school and college level. I also tutor Government and European History along with Social Studies, specifically to middle school-aged students. My tutoring style varies based on what a student is interested, typically I like to include games and activities to engage students with the content. Outside of academia, I enjoy traveling and exploring new places as well as reading.

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Alison’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Georgia Southwestern State University - Bachelor in Arts, History Teacher Education

Graduate Degree: Queens University Belfast - Master of Arts, History


My hobbies include reading, traveling, and puzzles.

Tutoring Subjects

AP Human Geography

College Level American History

College World History

European History



High School Government

High School Level American History

High School World History


Middle School Social Studies

Social Studies

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