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A photo of Morgan, a tutor from Prairie View A M University


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I will be a senior this fall at Prairie View's College of Nursing. I have had the pleasure of tutoring my peers in college algebra, inorganic chemistry, English, and anatomy & physiology. I am fortunate to have excelled in each year of my academic journey, so I am determined to help other students do the same. I consider each student's learning style when I am exploring how I will help them. Diagrams, videos, educational games, and flashcards are all learning tools that can benefit students. I love playing a part in helping students overcome their challenges, for it is truly rewarding to watch them succeed. Throughout my time assisting students, I became a certified tutor through the National Tutoring Association. While I enjoy tutoring math and science, reading and writing hold a special place in my heart. There is so much to be learned through reading, and books give us the inspiration to create our own stories through writing. I find joy in helping students understand what they are reading, for this is the first step they will take before properly writing on their own. During my time outside of school, I enjoy dancing, reading, and scrapbooking.

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Morgan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Prairie View A M University - Bachelor of Science, Nursing (RN)


I love dancing, reading, and scrapbooking. I also enjoy working on puzzles that range from from 1,000 to 2,000 pieces. I have a passion for things that challenge me and bring me happiness. Whether I am working on a difficult routine or trying to put together a large puzzle, my hobbies bring me peace.

Tutoring Subjects


Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science


Essay Editing

HESI - Health Education Systems Incorporated Prep

HESI Math Prep


Middle School Math

Middle School Reading Comprehension



Test Prep


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