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A photo of Austin, a tutor from University of Jamestown


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As an instructor it will be my job to set the standard for what my expectations are and how to meet them. As a teacher, it would be unfair to ask those I am teaching to do activities or meet requirements that I myself am unwilling or unable to meet. Secondly, creating an atmosphere that is professional and stays true to the teacher/student relationship that will be cultivated will be important, but so will creating a relationship based on trust and respect. At the end of the day I hope to create a space that encourages critical thinking, entertaining different views than their own and engaging with each other in a respectful and accepting manner. If they can grow and learn from each other as a class and leave the semester with not only a better understanding of the world around them, but a more optimistic outlook on life and their individual futures, I will consider it a job well done.

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Austin’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Jamestown - Bachelor in Arts, History


Weightlifting, Hiking, Music, Reading, Writing, Sailing

Tutoring Subjects

European History


Philosophical Ethics


Social Sciences

Social Studies


World Religions

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