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A photo of Adam, a tutor from The University of Texas at Austin


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Hello! My name is Adam. I have a Bachelor's degree in Pure Mathematics from the University of Texas at Austin, and I've long had a passion for math education. I am working on finishing up my Master's Degree at Texas A&M University, where I have worked on math research, taken many high level graduate math courses, and served as a TA for 10 different courses ranging from Precalculus and Algebra II to Discrete Math and Abstract Algebra. This gave me experience working one on one with students, working in groups of students during TA sessions, and also teaching two courses of Algebra II to classes of 65 students.

I am a patient and relatable tutor, but I also have extensive knowledge of both basic and high level math concepts. I use my background to help provide additional examples and deeper understanding to my students as we review their material. My patient approach also helps students feel comfortable to ask questions to reinforce their understanding of the material.

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Adam’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: The University of Texas at Austin - Bachelor of Science, Mathematics

Graduate Degree: Texas A M University-College Station - Master of Science, Mathematics


Video Games, Soccer, Swimming, Guitar, Music, Scary Movies

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