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A photo of Megan, a tutor from University of Utah


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I have always been passionate about learning and teaching. Education truly is the greatest investment we can make, because it is in ourselves and our future. I love working with students of all ages to instill a passion for learning that propels them into a lifelong journey of self-discovery and success.

I believe that we are all unique individuals, and as such, we all have different learning styles. It is so important to get to know students as people and as learners. I teach everyone differently according to their needs and preferences.

I love tutoring students in English and foreign languages. When I lived in Brazil for 1.5 years, I not only reached a native speaker level of fluency, but also taught English and Portuguese to students ranging from 8-60 years old. I also spent half of my time there teaching Portuguese to English and Spanish speakers until they reached fluency.

I have been studying French for over five years and Spanish for two. Learning and teaching foreign languages are two of my greatest passions. It is an incredible way to break down barriers between people and have life-changing experiences.

I am also incredibly passionate about writing. As someone who once struggled to compose essays, I enjoy helping others to learn just how well they can write and how capable they are!

I was born and raised in California, and I am currently at the University of Utah studying Urban Planning. My love for helping others has led me to pursue this path, and I hope to improve our cities and quality of life through this career.

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Megan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Utah - Bachelor of Science, City, Community, and Regional Planning

Test Scores

ACT Composite: 32

ACT English: 36

ACT Math: 31

ACT Reading: 34


Hiking, learning, music, painting, drawing, and traveling.

Tutoring Subjects

ACT English

ACT Reading

American Literature

AP Studio Art: 2-D Design

AP Studio Art: Drawing


College Application Essays

College English

College Level American Literature

Conversational French

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


English Grammar and Syntax


Essay Editing


French 1

French 2

High School English

High School Level American Literature

High School Writing


Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing




Spanish 1

Test Prep


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