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A photo of Angela, a tutor from University of Missouri St Louis


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My name is Angela. I graduated Magna Cum Laude from The University of Missouri-ST. Louis in 2010, with a BFA in Art Education.

Although I excelled in college, I struggled at the elementary and high school level. I simply wasn't challenged. However, this experience has made me an excellent tutor. I understand individual needs of students and will incorporate their personal needs into a positive motivational interest in their learning. Education can be fun and awaken the intrigue of knowledge from each student. I will focus on the students interests and incorporate into our lessons. Focusing on the individual need of each student is what makes me an effective tutor.

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Angela’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Missouri St Louis - Bachelor of Fine Arts, Art Teacher Education


I have many interests but most revolve around nature. I love to photograph insects, flowers and landscapes. I enjoy fiber art and book making. I love to spend my free time painting any subject matter in an expressive style. My favorite pass time is hiking with my two dogs.

Tutoring Subjects

AP Studio Art: 2-D Design

AP Studio Art: 3-D Design

AP Studio Art: Drawing



English Grammar and Syntax

Middle School Science

Middle School Writing

Public Speaking



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