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A photo of Jennifer, a tutor from Florida Institute of Technology


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I am from San Antonio, Texas. I have a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering and teaching certificate in Secondary Mathematics.

During my 8 years in education, I have taught high school Mathematics and Science (Physics), and substituted in various subjects for grades 6-12.

I like to travel, and have visited ten countries with my fiance. I enjoy reading and playing video games, but my favorite hobby is costuming. I wear my own costumes to renaissance fairs and anime conventions, and have been looking at doing some acting again, since I really enjoyed it in college.

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Jennifer’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Florida Institute of Technology - Bachelor of Science, Aerospace Engineering


Costuming, Video gaming (handheld and computer), reading, craftwork

Tutoring Subjects


Algebra 2

Algebra 2 Class


College Algebra

Elementary School Math



Grade 10 Math

Grade 11 Math

Grade 9 Mathematics

High School Physics


Middle School Math




Professional Certifications


TExES - Texas Examinations of Educator Standards


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