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A photo of Martha, a tutor from Cabarrus College of Health Sciences


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I am excited to assist you in your elementary age child's learning of conversational, Spanish, grammar, test taking. Though I have never taught Spanish on a full-time basis I definitely have experience in substitute teaching grades K -5 . it's an exciting age for children to absorb everything new !!
I Teaching and loving the community of profoundly disabled adults, is very close to my heart and an additional area for which I am very well equipped to reach out !
Afternoon homework, especially in elementary age reading is one of my specialties !!

I am also vivacious return to school Graduate of Cabarrus College of Health Sciences earning an Associates of Science Degree in Occupational Therapy Assistant Program. My first investment in College was 4 years at Miami of Ohio focused in areas of Spanish and Marketing. The Practice of Occupational Therapy ( OT ) is my passion. Not often in life can we be excited to walk through the doors of my workplace with enthusiasm! Experiencing that everyday challenge of improving a patients functional life in a clinically stimulating environment. Teamwork in OT no matter the Practice setting be it Skilled Nursing Facility or School System or Inpatient Hospital setting , is rewarding because the Patient is shared by all OT , Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy and the Director from the Initial Evaluation to Discharge!

This excitement for Occupational Therapy is why I want to tutor students of OTA . OT is a beautiful and holistic care Practice with very special individuals gaining OTA degrees. We, current OTAs and future OTAs , all have a need to be challenged with problem solving treatment plans and goals. I truly believe OT should be a critical practice to include expansively in Plans of Care for a wider more holistic Medical and Behavioral Patient care in the US.

Whether you are studying for the Certification exam or OTA curriculum I would love to help you learn using my experience at the school system level , Inpatient hospital level , Skilled Nursing Facility level . I can bring a focus of study to Life using my real patients. I especially love my Old people, Seniors. They are wise and funny and add so much to my day.

Lets study and learn together about wonderful fulfilling life subject of OT!

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Martha’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Cabarrus College of Health Sciences - Associate in Science, Occupational Therapy Assistance


I have many "people" focused interests including Community Justice and Community Building. I was apart of the building team for Circle USA in our town. "Circles" is a National Program through Aha! process that helps people move out of poverty. This program includes volunteers who learn how to break down their stereotypes of class norms through a volunteer training class called Bridges Out of Poverty ( BOP ) for which I have been certified as a BOP Trainer/teacher. I enjoy hiking ; creating a beautiful and peaceful environment at my home ; reading; spending time with Family; spiritual enlightment activities.

Tutoring Subjects


Adult Literacy

COTA / NBCOT - Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant

Elementary School Reading


NBCOT - National Board of Certification in Occupational Therapy


Professional Certifications

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