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A photo of Benjamin Brian, a tutor from Messiah College

Benjamin Brian

Certified Tutor

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I love working with students...helping them to discover they are capable of doing mathematics and understanding the deep connections within mathematics. Having taught mathematics in public and private schools for the past 30 years, I still get the greatest satisfaction when my students have those "aha" momentsseeing the lightbulb go on as they realize they really do understand something they previously thought was beyond their reach. With a B.A. in mathematics from Messiah College and an M.A. in mathematics from Pennsylvania State University, my primary focus is on tutoring in mathematics.
I have been teaching AP Calculus for all 30 years of my teaching experience and have served as an AP Reader helping to score the free response sections of AP Calculus exams for the past decade. I also developed a full AP Statistics course for an international school in Africa, where I have taught since 1997. I am currently on a sabbatical leave in the U.S.

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Benjamin Brian’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Messiah College - Bachelor in Arts, Mathematics

Graduate Degree: Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus - Master of Arts, Mathematics


Photography (especially wildlife), Disc Golf, Philately

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