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A photo of Karrie, a tutor from Minnesota State University-Mankato


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I believe in creating experiences for students that encourage them to think creatively and look at the world differently. It is important to me for students to move away from thinking about answers that are written in a book and to encourage them to answer in other ways that show their depth of understanding which will provide them an opportunity to expand on them in real world examples. Chemistry and physics are everywhere around us which makes the world a fascinating place. I believe that it is important for students to question everything and demand the skills needed to think critically and be able to develop hypotheses and test them properly.

My ultimate goal as an instructor is to revive student's love for science and remind them that science is fun! And no matter what career path they may choose, I would hope that the skills that they gained in my class will forever change how they view the amazing world that they live in.

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Karrie’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Minnesota State University-Mankato - Bachelor of Science, Chemistry

Graduate Degree: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee - Master of Science, Chemistry


Travel and motorcycles

Tutoring Subjects


Algebra 2

Analytical Chemistry


College Algebra

College Chemistry

College Physics

Earth Science

Environmental Science


Graduate Level Chemistry

High School Chemistry

High School Physics


Middle School Science

Physical Chemistry




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