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A photo of Jeffrey, a tutor from University of California-Davis


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I received my BS in Biochemistry from the University of California, Davis and my PhD in Immunology and Molecular Pathogenesis from Emory University. After my PhD, I worked for 8 years in research into cytomegaloviruses at the University of California, San Diego and The Scripps Research Institute. While I enjoyed research immensely, I was more of a people person than many of the researchers around me I enjoyed interacting with people, explaining the science behind my research and answering questions more than I did the actual benchtop experiments. In 2007 I began teaching night classes at San Diego City College, where I fell in love with teaching. I immediately saw that teaching is not just explaining something (that is just talking!) - teaching is what happens when students have questions. Teaching is what happens when students don't follow your explanation and you have to answer the question using a different approach. I now am employed full time as an Associate Professor. My approach to teaching is to use techniques that involve a minimum of me giving long explanations and maximize students asking questions and performing activities that help them master the material at hand. I also firmly believe that it is my job to bring in real-world applications of concepts that will help the student to appreciate concepts from many different angles.

I currently teach undergraduate general cell biology, microbiology, animal and plant diversity, anatomy and physiology, as well as graduate level cell biology. What I do outside of academics: I have two young children, two microscopes in my kitchen (that get used a lot) and a closet full of camping gear that gets used quite a bit that gives you a pretty good picture of my interests!

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Jeffrey’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of California-Davis - Bachelor of Science, Biochemistry

Graduate Degree: Emory University - Doctor of Philosophy, Microbiology and Immunology


camping, reading, trains

Tutoring Subjects

AP Biology


Cell Biology

College Biology

MCAT Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills

Earth Science


Essay Editing

Graduate Level Biology

Graduate Test Prep

High School Biology

High School English

High School Level American History

High School Writing

IB Biology


Life Sciences



Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Office

Molecular Biology







Social Studies

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Technology and Coding



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