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A photo of Tanner, a tutor from University of North Dakota


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I received a Bachelor of Science studying Psychology at the University of North Dakota. During my first year of undergraduate study, I found myself fascinated while studying the human body. This inspired me to declare a minor in Biology and enroll in Pre-Medicine coursework. During these four years, I worked at a hospital, interned in a biomedical research lab, and coached Special Olympics. After leaving my job at the hospital, I began working at an elementary school with special education students who had unique social, emotional, and behavioral challenges. This was a valuable learning experience where I explored methods to adapt my teaching to the specific needs of individual students. This fall, I studied anatomical science courses in Washington, DC. I will be starting medical school this year and hope to eventually practice in adolescent psychiatry. I believe that my diverse work experience has helped me develop the ability to communicate effectively with people of all ages, abilities, and personalities. This is the best tool that I can bring to you as a tutor. I believe learning is highly individual and I'm eager to cater to students of all different learning styles.

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Tanner’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of North Dakota - Bachelor of Science, Psychology


Running, hiking, camping, and reading.

Tutoring Subjects

ACT Prep

ACT English

ACT Math

ACT Reading

ACT Science


Anatomy & Physiology

AP Biology

AP Chemistry

AP Psychology

Applied Mathematics


Cell Biology



CLEP Biology

CLEP Chemistry

CLEP Introductory Psychology

CLEP Introductory Sociology

College Application Essays

College Chemistry

Elementary School

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


GED Prep

GED Math

GED Science

GED Social Studies


Graduate Test Prep

High School Biology

High School Chemistry

High School English

High School Physics




MCAT Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems

MCAT Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems

MCAT Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior


Middle School

Middle School English

Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Science



Organic Chemistry



MCAT Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior



Social Sciences


Special Education


SSAT- Elementary Level

Test Prep

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