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A photo of Adam, a tutor from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University


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I've tutored friends and helped with homework throughout my schooling career. I like to focus on helping people understand concepts and not just finding the right answer (but that's important too!)

I have taken courses in math, science, accounting, finance, economics, and advanced business courses. In school, I majored in Business Information Technology and I also have a minor in Spanish.

Besides my interests in these academic areas, I believe my greatest strength is customer service by having a desire to help people out any way I can!

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Adam’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - Bachelor of Science, Management Information Systems


I am very passionate about new technology and how it has an impact on the business world. I enjoy helping people discover how they can solve complex problems. I am currently working full-time as a Cyber Security Consultant for a Big 4 accounting firm. While in school, I operated my own website to help students get better schedules. I also played an important role in a large non profit. Our organization fundraised over 1.6 million dollars over the course of the three years I was involved.

Tutoring Subjects



Business Ethics

Business Writing

College Business


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