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A photo of Genesis, a tutor from Miami Dade College


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I'm currently a college student finishing up an Associate's degree in Illustration. I've always had a joy in helping my peers and those around me with subjects they don't understand from class. I especially have a passion for the arts and enjoy providing more information to those who are interested.
As for my personal life and hobbies, I'm the proud mother of my cockatiel, Yuuki, and my bunny, Othello! I also enjoy watching Korean dramas and reading manga. To relax I usually chill in my room to talk to some friends on the phone or draw in my sketchbook. My favorite mediums to use are gel pens, gouache, and markers. I occasionally use Clip Studio or Photoshop to draw.
My goal as a Varsity Tutor is to help expand a student's desire to become better at the subjects they're taught at school. I plan to use tools that have helped me, such as repetition, music, and educational videos.
My future goal is getting into a university out of Florida to excel in Illustration, preferably the Art Institute in Chicago.

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Genesis’ Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Miami Dade College - Associate in Arts, Art Teacher Education


Art, reading manga, watching Korean dramas, giving my rabbit a walk, hanging out with my cockatiel

Tutoring Subjects

AP Studio Art: Drawing



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